We encourage all pet owners to have their pets spayed or neutered.

Every month, hundreds of animals are handled by local animal services and shelters in Wichita County. Unfortunately, many of these will be euthanized. Preventing unwanted and unplanned litters will reduce the number of animals who are euthanized in our community. Please talk with your veterinarian about having your pet spayed or neutered.

For those who are needing a low-cost option for spay and neuter surgeries, you can contact P.E.T.S. Low Cost Spay & Neuter Clinic. 

P.E.T.S. Facebook page

P.E.T.S. Website

P.E.T.S. is not a full service vet clinic. They can not treat sick or injured animals. We encourage all pet owners to establish and maintain a relationship with a full service veterinarian.